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Ancient Republic Worhshop Part. 1, Durham, 14-15 novembre

n collaboration with the Centre for the Study of the Ancient Mediterranean and Near East (CAMNE), the Department of Classics and Ancient History at Durham University is hosting a workshop on Ancient Republics (14-15 November 2014), with the project of investigating the ‘Republic’ in its many manifestations in the ancient world, and its significance for later theories of Republican thought. This project represents a collaboration between the Department of Classics and Ancient History at Durham University, the Department of Classics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the Department of Philosophy at the University of California-San Diego.

The first part of the workshop will take place in Durham and will investigate pre-Roman types of ‘Republics’, with emphasis on ancient Greece and the Near East from the Classical to the late Hellenistic periods. The second part is scheduled to take place at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on 9-10 April 2015, and it will focus on the ‘Republic’ and Republicanism in the Roman Republic and Empire. We hope that further workshops on this fascinating and understudied topic will be planned in the future.

Ancient Republics: A Workshop (Part I)
Friday, 14 November – Saturday, 15 November 2014

All sessions take place at the Ritson Room (CL007)
Department of Classics and Ancient History
Durham University
38 North Bailey, Durham, DH1 3EU

Friday 14 November

Coffee/Tea/Biscuits (from 3pm, Classics and Ancient History Department Library)
Brief Introduction by Phillip Horky (4pm)

Session 1 (4pm-8pm, including break)
Chair: P.J. Rhodes (Durham University)

S. Roy (Haverford College): ‘Republicanism in the Ancient Near East’ (4pm-5:15pm)
C. Atack (St Hugh’s College, Oxford): ‘The tension between monarchy and republic in Xenophon’s Cyropaedia’ (5:15pm-6:30pm)

Short Break: (6:30pm-6:45pm)

R. Brock (University of Leeds): ‘koinônia politôn politeias’: membership and participation in the polis'(6:45pm-8pm)

Saturday 15 November

Session 2 (9:30am-12pm)
Chair: Malcolm Schofield (St. John’s College, Cambridge)

P. S. Horky (Durham University) and M. R. Johnson (University of California-San Diego): ‘A Pythagorean Republic? On Law and Justice attributed to Archytas of Tarentum’ (9:30am-10:45am)
C. Rowe (Durham University): ‘Platonic Republics’ (10:45am-12pm)

Lunch 12pm-1:30pm

Session 3 (1:30pm-4pm)
Chair: A. Russell (Durham University)

B. Gray (University of Edinburgh): ‘Hellenistic poleis’ civic ideals, humanism and republicanism’ (1:30pm-2:45pm)
V. Arena (University College London): ‘The koinon of the Lycii: libertas/demokratia?’ (2:45pm-4pm)

The workshop is free and open to the public. For further information, including how to register, please email the Durham organizer Phillip Horky (

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Olivier Renaut (3 novembre 2014). Ancient Republic Worhshop Part. 1, Durham, 14-15 novembre. Zetesis - Ζήτησις. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse

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