CFP: Ancient Infinity and Infinite Regress Arguments
Infinity and Infinite Regress Arguments in Ancient Philosophy Workshop 14th-15th July 2015
Durham University, UK
Call for 500 word abstracts; Deadline 22th May 2015
From antiquity, infinity (to apeiron) has been a both a tool and a problem for thinkers. Philosophers and mathematicians regularly discussed infinity and employed infinite regress arguments, but disagreed over the nature and coherence of infinity and the logic of the relevant arguments. We welcome abstracts of up to 500 words for presentations up to 30 minutes on the topics of infinity and infinite regress arguments, primarily, but not exclusively, in ancient philosophy. We are interested in pieces on specific texts, arguments or thinkers, as well as synoptic pieces looking at a range of material. We welcome discussions of infinite regress arguments that are not directly related ancient philosophy.
Please send abstracts (prepared for blind review) or questions to: Matthew Ducombe (, by 22th May 2015.This pilot workshop is kindly funded by Durham University. We will explore the prospects for a comprehensive investigation of infinity and infinite regress arguments and what they can tell us about ancient science, philosophy and mathematics. For further details, please contact either: Matthew Duncombe ( or Tamer Nawar (
Source : CFP: Ancient Infinity and Infinite Regress Arguments – PhilEvents
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Olivier Renaut (22 mai 2015). CFP: Ancient Infinity and Infinite Regress Arguments. Zetesis - Ζήτησις. Consulté le 26 janvier 2025 à l’adresse