25-29 Juin 2018 // Sixth Biennial Conference : International Association for Presocratic Studies Delphi
International Association for Presocratic Studies
Sixth Biennial Conference: 25-29 June 2018 Delphi, Greece: European Cultural Centre of Delphi
Chair of Organizing Committee: Richard McKirahan
The International Association for Presocratic Studies (IAPS, founded in 2008) announces its Sixth Biennial Conference. The meeting will take place at the European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Greece 25-29 June 2018.
IAPS understands “Presocratics” to be the figures for whom either fragments of their work or relevant testimonia are collected in Hermann Diels’ Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker (6th edn. 1951, edited by Walther Kranz). IAPS welcomes presentations on philosophical, philological, textual, doxographical, scientific, historical, literary and religious topics having to do with the Presocratics, on connections between Presocratic thought and other figures (e.g., the Sophists) and other areas of intellectual activity (e.g., mathematics, medicine or music), and on the reception of Presocratic thought in antiquity and later times.
IAPS welcomes participation from scholars at all stages of their careers, from graduate students to senior figures in the field.
To receive further information about the conference, please send a message with the title “IAPS 6” to Prof. Richard McKirahan
Information about the venue can be found (in Greek) at <www.eccd.gr> and (in English) at <www.eccd.gr/en>.
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Olivier Renaut (1 septembre 2017). 25-29 Juin 2018 // Sixth Biennial Conference : International Association for Presocratic Studies Delphi. Zetesis - Ζήτησις. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/vd8y