Parution : David Lefebvre (éd.), The Science of Life in Aristotle and the Early Peripatos
Sommaire :
Notes on Contributors
Part 1: From the Study of the Soul to the Study of Perishable Life in Aristotle and Theophrastus
1 Life and Soul in Aristotle’s De Anima
Sean Kelsey
2 The Soul Itself in Aristotle’s Science of Living Things
Klaus Corcilius
3 The Peripatetic Study of Perishable Life: Prospects and Limits
Andrea Falcon
4 The Minimal Requisites of Life in Aristotle and Theophrastus
Luciana Repici
Part 2: Explaining Perishable Living Things
5 Perittôma vs. Suntêgma: Was Aristotle Unfair in Equating Pangenesis with the “Seed as Suntêgma” Theory?
Claire Louguet
6 How Does a Living Animal Come to Be from Semen? The Puzzles of Aristotle’s Generation of Animals II 1–3
Sophia M. Connell
7 All around the Body: Organism and Surrounding Environment in Aristotle
Pierre-Marie Morel
8 Living and Well-Living in Aristotle’s Zoology
Andrea Libero Carbone
9 Simple Solutions to Complex Problems: Spontaneous Generation in [Aristotle], Problemata physica X
Robert Mayhew
10 Aristotle, Generation of Animals III 11: in Search of a Place for the Fourth Kind of Living Being
David Lefebvre
Part 3: Life beyond Perishable Lives: Aristotle on the Unity of Life
11 Perishable and Imperishable Lives: Aristotle’s Analogy with the Heavenly Element in GA II 3.736b29–737a5
Diana Quarantotto
12 “We Think of the Stars as Mere Bodies”: Aristotle’s Epistemological Confrontation with the Academy on Heavenly Bodies
Mai-Lan Boureau
13 The Life of Aristotle’s Prime Mover: Metaphysics Λ 7.1072b26–30
Fabienne Baghdassarian
Coda: Aristotle’s Biology and Modern Biology
14 Can Aristotle Be Considered a Biologist?
Pierre Pellegrin
Index nominum
Index locorum
Index of ancient names
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Ulysse Chaintreuil (13 janvier 2025). Parution : David Lefebvre (éd.), The Science of Life in Aristotle and the Early Peripatos. Zetesis - Ζήτησις. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse