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24/01/2024: Workshop: ‘The Afterlife of Aristotle’s Organon’

Venue: 7 Owengate, Durham DH1 3HB, UK



9.30-9.40 Welcome and Opening remarks


Greece and Byzantium, pt. 1. Chair: Mara Nicosia

9.40-10.00 Alessandro Vatri (Durham), “An Introduction to Aristotle’s Organon

10.00-10.20 Ciro Giacomelli (Padua), “Some insights on the early circulation of the Organon and its ancient ‘editions’” [online]

10.20-10.40 General Discussion


10.40-11.00 Coffee Break


Greece and Byzantium, pt. 2. Chair: Giulia Bonasio

11.00-11.20 Guillermo Menéndez Sánchez (Ghent), “Anti-Manichaean texts in Neoplatonic philosophy: The polemic against the Manichaeans as a pedagogical method for explaining the Aristotelian corpus among the philosophers of the 6th century”

11.20-11.40 Christophe Erismann (Vienna), “Applied Logic. The Use of Aristotle’s Organon in Byzantium”

11.40-12.00 General Discussion


West Asia, pt. 1. Chair: Alberto Rigolio

12.00-12.20 Daniel King (Cardiff), “The contexts of Aristotle’s Logic in the Syriac world”

12.20-12.40 Jacob Lollar (Durham), “Aristoteles rescriptus

12.40-13.00 General Discussion


13.00-14.00 Lunch


West Asia, pt. 2. Chair: Daniel King

14.00-14.20 Mara Nicosia (Durham), “Syro-Arabic translations of the Organon: The case of Aristotle’s Rhetoric

14.20-14.40 Elvira Wakelnig (Vienna), “From Ibn Bahriz to Ibn al-Tayyib: Aristotle’s Organon in Arabic”

14.40-15.00 General Discussion


Medieval Europe, pt. 1. Chair: TBC

15.00-15.20 Sara Uckelman (Durham), “’As the Philosopher says…’: Aristotle and Authority in the Reception of the Organon in the 13th Century Latin West”

15.20-15.40 Giles Gasper (Durham), title TBC

15.40-16.00 General Discussion


16.00-16.20 Coffee Break


Medieval Europe, pt. 2. Chair: Ita MacCarthy

16.20-16.40 Lorenzo Dell’Oso (Durham), “The Organon in Late Medieval Florence: The case of Dante”

16.40-17.00 Sigbjorn Sonnesyn (Bristol), “Knowing as understanding: the role of the Posterior Analytics in the natural philosophy of Robert Grosseteste”

17.00-17.20 General Discussion


Conclusions. Chair: Edith Hall

17.20-17.40 Phillip Horky (Durham)

17.40-18.00 Discussion and closing remarks


19.00 Social Dinner for speakers and chairs at the Bishop’s Dining Room, Castle College

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Ulysse Chaintreuil (17 janvier 2025). 24/01/2024: Workshop: ‘The Afterlife of Aristotle’s Organon’ Zetesis - Ζήτησις. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse

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