Catégorie : Postes, Post-doc, Bourses, etc.
1 poste d’assistant-e de philosophie antique Etre en possession d’une maîtrise de philosophie (MA) ou d’une licence de lettres. Avoir un projet de recherche en cours et s’engager à inscrire une thèse dans le domaine de la philosophie...
Three-year Research Position in Intellectual History (open rank: PhD / post-doc) The Department of History at the University of Zurich offers a three-year research position in intellectual history as part of the project The Just City: The Ciceronian Conception of...
L’université d’Aix-Marseille ouvre un poste d’ATER en section 17, profil : “Philosophie générale et philosophie ancienne”, pour l’année universitaire 2022/2023.Le dépôt du dossier de candidature s’effectue exclusivement par voie électronique à partir du site DEMETER, du 21/03/2022 à 10h au...
Un poste d’assistant-e et doctorant-e en philosophie ancienne est publié à l’Université de Genève (à partir d’août 2022). Les candidatures doivent être envoyées au plus tard le 31 mars 2022. Voir le fichier attaché pour plus d’informations. AS philosophie 2022
on behalf of Therese Cory and the History of Philosophy team at the University of Notre Dame Dear colleagues and friends, I am pleased to announce that the 2022-2023 Call for Applications is now open for the Small Grants Program at the History of...
Ancient Athens at War: Fully Funded PhD Position in Australia: ARC-Funded Project in Ancient Greek History Deadline: 20 April 2020 This category-1 PhD position could well launch a successful research career. This opportunity is open to all-interested students anywhere...
Applications are invited for two Associate Lectureships (Education Focused) within the Department of Philosophy at St Andrews, each for a fixed-term contract for 12 months, commencing 1st September 2020. The main purpose of the posts is to provide undergraduate and...
The Departments of Classics and Philosophy at King’s College London are seeking to jointly appoint a Lecturer in Ancient Philosophy, on a fixed-term contract for 8 months (from 1st September 2020 to 30th April 2021), to cover for staff on...
The Collaborative Program in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy [CPAMP] at the University of Toronto is delighted to announce the availability of a one-year postdoctoral position in Ancient Philosophy, to begin no later than 1st September 2020. (It may be possible...
The Department of Philosophy of the University of Campinas (Unicamp) calls for applications for one (01) position as Postdoctoral Fellow Researcher in Philosophy. The areas of specialization and concentration are Ancient Philosophy and Medieval Philosophy. The positions should start in...
The Munich School of Ancient Philosophy (MUSAPh) invites applications for funded doctoral positions. Dissertation proposals are welcome in all areas of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, their medieval reception in Arabic and Latin, and textual criticism. Please pass along this...
The Research Training Group offers a structured doctoral program in ancient philosophy and science. Students in the program write dissertations, in German or English, which may be more philosophical or more philological in character. Research and dissertation projects focus on...
PhD project (4 years, 1.0 fte), Utrecht University Title: Medical Innovation in Early Hellenistic Alexandria (Anchoring Work Package 5, Technology, Science, and Material Culture) Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr T.L. Tieleman (Utrecht University). Job description: Alexandria in the early Hellenistic period was...
The Department of Classics and Ancient History at Durham University seeks to appoint an outstanding scholar to the role of Assistant Professor in Classics (Ancient Philosophy) at Grade 7-8. We welcome applications from those with research and teaching interests in...